Leadership Brookings is the highest quality leadership preparation program with emphasis on collaborative leadership, community engagement, and individual skillset in response to Brookings area civic, government, business, and industry needs.
Program Information:
Leadership Brookings works to:
- Identify and develop potential leaders.
- Help potential and existing leaders sharpen their leadership skills and learn about local opportunities and challenges.
- Create a sense of purpose for civic leadership and opportunities for civic involvement.
Program participants will:
- Be educated and motivated as leaders leading to greater involvement in the community.
- Experience personal and professional growth.
- Develop valuable relationships with classmates and current community leadership.
- Ready themselves for future leadership opportunities in their careers and community.
Employers and sponsoring organizations will:
- See benefits from the broadened perspectives and enhanced potential of participants.
- Open doors for greater corporate/organizational community involvement and visibility.
- Create additional opportunities to influence positive change.
The community will:
- Experience benefits through increased community involvement from participants.
- Reap future benefit from collective commitment to effective leadership by program graduates.
Application & Selection Process
- Application deadline for the Leadership Brookings Class of 2025 is August 9, 2024 at midnight.
- Your application must be submitted electronically only; no other forms will be accepted.
- You will be notified via email by Thursday, August 30, 2024 regarding whether or not you have been selected for the Leadership Brookings Class of 2025.
Applicants must:
- Have demonstrated a sincere commitment to and interest in the Brookings area
- Display evidence of mature judgement and exceptional leadership qualities
- Have demonstrated positions of leadership within their organizations or community
- Have the time available to participate in the LEADERSHIP BROOKINGS program and have the complete support of the company or organization she/he represents (small business owners eligible and welcome to apply)
- The Brookings Area Chamber of Commerce Leadership Brookings program seeks representation from all professional areas, including business, government, non-profit volunteer sectors, as well as small business owners.
- Participants are expected to attend all Leadership Brookings sessions in their entirety. The Brookings Area Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to drop any participant from the program who has more than one unexcused absence.
- Application Deadline Friday, August 9, 2024 (midnight)
- Program Acceptance Notification Friday, August 30, 2024 (midnight)
- The first session starts Tuesday, October 8, 2024 and is (generally) the second Tuesday of each month through March of 2025 followed by graduation at the Chamber's Annual Celebration.
Questions? Email info@brookingschamber.org or call (605) 692-8922.